Printable Graph Paper – Blank Templates

Printable Graph Paper – Blank Templates

Below you’ll find several different formats of printable graph paper. Just download and print! Formats include 1/8″, 1/4″, 3/8″ and 1/2″. In addition, there are single-quadrant and four-quadrant formats. Just print and go!

Graph paper is a super handy tool for teachers in all sorts of subjects. In math, they’re great for showing kids how to graph lines, plot points, and explore geometric shapes.

Early education teachers can use graph paper to teach students about shapes, colors, and basic counting. It’s also a good way for budding artists to play with symmetry, perspective, and patterns. 

For more graphing practice, check out our Slope-Intercept Form and Kindergarten Graphing Worksheets!

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Printable Graph Paper - 1/8th inch to 1/4 inch

In this section, you’ll find a selection of free printable graph paper. These sheets are great for use in mathematics, architecture, and interior design. Because we created them without an x- and y-axis, they are extremely versatile.

You can print easily this graph paper. The grids are small, 1/8 inches apart.

You’ll love this printable graph paper! Grids are 3/8 inches.

You can easily print this graph paper. This graph paper includes 1/4 inch grids.

Dot formatted graph paper - 1/4 inches apart

A larger grid of 1/2 inches apart

Single and Four Quadrant Graph Paper

In this section, you’ll find a selection of premium printable graph paper. These sheets were created to include x- and y-axes (a coordinate plane). In our premium graph paper, we’ve included single-quadrant and 4-quadrant options and the coordinates are already labeled.

Here’s a set of printable four quadrant graph paper

This graph paper feature all four quadrants

This is a set of single quadrant graph paper.Single