Fractions Worksheets

Fractions Worksheets

Welcome to our printable fractions worksheets!

These ready-to-use fraction worksheets help students master essential skills:

  • Solving real-world fraction problems: Apply fraction skills to practical situations.
  • Comparing fractions: Develop a conceptual understanding of fraction size.
  • Converting fractions to decimals: Build fluency in representing fractions in different forms.
  • Finding equivalent fractions: Understand the relationship between different fractions with the same value.
  • Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions (including common denominators): Master the core operations with fractions.

Fraction Worksheets by Topic

Here you’ll find all of our fractions worksheets separated by topic. Click on your topic of choice to be taken to a page where you’ll see all of the worksheets we have available for that topic. There you’ll find both premium and free fraction worksheets. All of them will include answer keys.

This link takes you to our 6 printable fraction strips. These strips visually represent fractions, making it easier for kids to grasp the concept.

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Here you'll find our beginner fractions worksheets. Students will practice identifying numerators, denominators and more.

Here you'll find a chart with fraction to decimal conversions as well as a handful of practice worksheets.

This link will take you to our simplifying fractions worksheets. Here your student will practice reducing fractions to their simplest form.

Here you'll find worksheets for comparing fractions. We provide a variety of worksheets for your student to hone in on their skills to understand fractions and how to tell if a fraction is bigger or smaller than the other.

This link will take you to our adding and subtracting fractions worksheets. Begin learning by adding and subtracting fractions with common denominators and then move on to problems with unlike denominators.

Once your student is familiar with adding fractions with common denominators and simplifying fractions, this worksheet page will be a great next step. Here they will practice adding fractions with unlike denominators.

Here you'll find practice worksheets on multiplying fractions. Instructions on how to multiply fractions together are on this page. There will be worksheets with common denominators and unlike denominators.

This link will take you to a variety of worksheets for multiplying fractions with whole numbers. There will be problems that require remainders and some that do not.

Once your student knows how to multiply fractions, they can move onto dividing fractions. They need to know how to multiply because the process for dividing fractions includes multiplication. Click on this link to learn more and for a variety of worksheets including dividing common denominators and unlike denominators.

Here you'll find fraction word problem worksheets. These worksheets focus on adding and subtracting fractions and multiplying and dividing fractions.