Multiply Fractions with Whole Numbers Worksheets

Multiply Fractions with Whole Numbers Worksheets

Our “multiply fractions with whole numbers” worksheets provide your students or child practice with various scenarios. Students will multiply when no simplifying is possible. We’ve also included problems that require simplifying/reducing both before and after multiplying.

If your students have trouble understanding the basics of fractions, then multiplying can be difficult. Following this process:

  1. Turn the whole number into a fraction.
  2. Multiply straight across on top and bottom.
  3. Reduce the fraction.

After enough practice, they’ll start to see how they can simplify things and skip steps but don’t force that too early.
Also, check out our other Fractions Worksheets.

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Fractions of Whole Numbers (Printable PDFs)

In this section, you’ll find fraction worksheets that offer one-step problems (i.e. multiply but no reducing). There are also worksheets that offer two-step problems (i.e. multiply then reduce or reduce then multiply). In all worksheets, students will be multiplying one fraction by one whole number.

8 Problems and Answers with Remainders

8 Problems and Answers with Remainders

8 Problems and Answers with Remainders

12 Problems and Answers with Remainders

12 Problems and Answers with Remainders

12 Problems and Answers with Remainders

8 Problems and Answers without Remainders

8 Problems and Answers without Remainders

8 Problems and Answers without Remainders

12 Problems and Answers without Remainders

12 Problems and Answers without Remainders

12 Problems and Answers without Remainders

Multiplying Fractions and Whole Numbers (Printable PDFs)

In this section, you’ll find fraction worksheets that offer different two-step problems. Some worksheets will provide problems with whole-number answers. Others will have mixed-number answers. In all worksheets, students will be multiplying one fraction by one whole number.

Multiplying Fractions and Whole Numbers Practice Worksheets (Printable PDFs)

In this section, you’ll find fraction worksheets that offer a variety of problems. Students will find simple as well as more advanced problems. They will need to know to reduce fractions and turn improper fractions into mixed numbers.

8 Problems with Remainders

8 Problems with Remainders

8 Problems with Remainders

12 Problems with Remainders

12 Problems with Remainders

12 Problems with Remainders

8 Problems without Remainders

8 Problems without Remainders

8 Problems without Remainders

12 Problems without Remainders

12 Problems without Remainders

12 Problems without Remainders