Volume and Surface Area Worksheets

Volume and Surface Area Worksheets

It can be hard to grasp the difference between volume and surface area and to know which formula is which. If your learner is struggling, don’t give up! Our collection of volume and surface area worksheets was made to help.

Below, you’ll find Volume and Surface Area Worksheets for the following shapes: rectangular prisms, triangular prisms, cylinders, spheres, cones, and more! Feel free to use and reproduce our worksheets at home and in your classroom.

Remember, volume and surface area are things we use every day. It may take time to understand the concepts, but with any skill, the more you practice the better you’ll get!

Note: All worksheets include an answer key!

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Volume and Surface Area by Shapes

Choose a shape below to find worksheets for calculating volume and surface area. If you can’t remember the formulas for spheres, cones, cylinders, or any other shape don’t worry. Once you choose a shape, a page will open with everything you need: volume & surface area worksheets AND volume & surface area formulas!