Volume and Surface Area of Rectangular Prisms

Volume and Surface Area of Rectangular Prisms

Free and premium, printable “Volume and Surface Area of Rectangular Prisms Worksheets!”

Imagine you want to wrap a present. First, you need to put your gift into a box, right? The amount of fillable space inside the box is called the volume. Now imagine wrapping the box. The amount of space that needs to be covered by paper is called the surface area.

Volume = length • width • height
Locate your three values, multiply them together, and voila. Volume!

Surface area is a little different. Because a rectangular prism has six sides (or faces), you need to find the surface area of each side, and then add those 6 values together.

Volume of Rectangular Prisms (Printable PDFs)

In these worksheets, students will practice calculating the space inside simple boxes. The formula for the volume of a rectangular prism is V = length • width • height. Label all answers with the correct cubic units: cubic inches, cubic feet, cubic centimeters, etc. All worksheets include answer keys.

Surface Area of Rectangular Prisms (Printable PDFs)

In these worksheets, students will find the total area of all six faces on each shape. You could find the area of all six sides individually or use this formula: SA=2(width • depth) + (perimeter of base • height) You could even try it both ways, but check your answers with our included answer keys. And don’t forget your units!

Volume and Surface Area of Rectangular Prisms (Printable PDFs)

In our volume and surface area worksheets, students will calculate the volume and surface area of various rectangular prisms. Remember: the volume should always be labeled with the appropriate cubic units, and the area should always be labeled with the appropriate square units. All worksheets include answer keys.