Triple Digit Addition with Regrouping

Triple Digit Addition with Regrouping

Triple-digit addition with regrouping takes the concept of double-digit addition with regrouping one step further. Students will still need a strong foundational knowledge of place value and basic addition to successfully perform these operations.

When adding triple-digit numbers with regrouping, students will often find that the sum of the digits in one or more of the columns exceeds 9. This requires them to “carry over” the extra value to the next highest column, an operation known as regrouping.

If your student understands the basics of addition but has trouble with regrouping, the best thing to do is practice, practice, practice!

Use our worksheets for triple digit subtraction with regrouping too!

Triple Digit Addition with Regrouping

With these worksheets, you’ll have 120 triple-digit addition with regrouping problems. That will be a great amount of practice for your student to start understanding and mastering the process of carrying numbers (or regrouping). This can be a hard skill to master, so stay calm and go slow.