Single-Digit Multiplication

Single-Digit Multiplication

Below you’ll find a variety of Single-Digit Multiplication Worksheets! Are you a teacher looking for supplemental worksheets? A parent in search of extra practice for your child? Whatever brought you here, we have what you need – Multiplication practice worksheets!

If your child is struggling with multiplication, the best thing you can do is stay patient. Remind them that getting extra multiplication practice now will make math easier later. They may not believe you, but that’s ok. Your belief will rub off on them eventually.

All of our Multiplication Worksheets can be used at home and reproduced for classroom use, and they include answer keys. Students should understand the process of multiplication before they start memorizing facts, but to make things easier we’ve created these Printable Multiplication Charts!

Single-Digit Multiplication (Printable PDFs)

In this section, you’ll find our single-digit multiplication worksheets. These are great for students just learning multiplication or to be used as multiplication review. Some worksheets include 12 problems, while others include 16 or 25. All worksheets include answer keys!

Multiply with Specific Numbers (Printable PDFs)

Here students will multiple single-digits by 2 & 3, 4 & 5, 6 & 7, 8 & 9, and multiply numbers 1-5 and 6-9.

Multiply 1-Digit Numbers by 2 and 3

Get instant access to print and download Single-Digit Multiplication Worksheets, plus all K12 Math Worksheets!

Multiply 1-Digit Numbers by 4 and 5

Multiply 1-Digit Numbers by 6 and 7

Multiply 1-Digit Numbers by 8 and 9

Numbers 1-5 Worksheet #1

Numbers 1-5 Worksheet #2

Numbers 1-5 Worksheet #3

Numbers 6-9 Worksheet #1

Numbers 6-9 Worksheet #2

Numbers 6-9 Worksheet #3