Area and Circumference of Circles
Area and Circumference of Circles

Below you’ll find a variety of printable “Area and Circumference of Circles Worksheets!”
Circumference is just a fancy word for perimeter, which is the distance around the circle (written in units). Area is the space inside (written in square units).
The formula for circumference is C = 2πr, where r is the radius. The formula for the area of a circle is A = πr². Since area is always written in square units, you can easily remember that the formula for the area of a circle is the one with the “squared” in it.
Use our worksheets to master the area and circumference of circles! All of our Worksheets include answer keys. Didn’t find what you were looking for? Check out our other Geometry worksheets!
Area of a Circle (Printable PDFs)
In these worksheets, students will practice calculating the space inside. The formula for the area of a circle is A=π r², where r is the radius (the distance from the center to a point on the circle). For circles with the diameter labeled, cut it in half to find the radius. Label answers in square units. All worksheets include answer keys.
Worksheet #1
Get instant access to download and print Area and Circumference Worksheets, plus all K12 Math Worksheets!
Worksheet #2
Worksheet #3
Worksheet #1
Worksheet #2
Worksheet #3
Worksheet #1
Worksheet #2
Worksheet #3
Circumference of a Circle (Printable PDFs)
In these worksheets, students will practice finding the distance around circles. The formula for circumference is C = 2πr, where r is the radius (the distance from the center to a point on the circle). When the diameter is given, cut it in half to find the radius. Be sure to label answers in the correct units. All worksheets include answer keys.
Worksheet #1
Get instant access to download and print Area and Circumference Worksheets, plus all K12 Math Worksheets!
Worksheet #2
Worksheet #3
Worksheet #1
Worksheet #2
Worksheet #3
Area and Circumference of a Circle (Printable PDFs)
In these circle worksheets, students will calculate the circumference and area of each circle. Remember: the area should always be labeled with the appropriate square units, and the circumference should always be labeled with the appropriate units. All worksheets include answer keys.
Get instant access to download and print Area and Circumference Worksheets, plus all K12 Math Worksheets!