Converting Percentages Worksheets

Converting Percentages Worksheets

Is your student having trouble converting decimals to percents? How about converting percents to decimals? Well, you’ve come to the right place!

Below you’ll find our selection of percent worksheets, created to provide students with the practice they need to see the relationship between decimals and percentages.

In each category, you’ll find the formula you need to complete the problems in the worksheets. Remember, decimals and percents are just two different ways of showing the same thing – the parts of a whole.

Don’t forget to check out our Fractions Worksheets too!

Convert Percent to Decimals (Printable PDFs)

In these worksheets, students will rewrite each percentage in its decimal form. All they’ll need to do is divide the percent by 100. In other words, move the decimal to places to the left. For moderate worksheets, rewrite the fraction as a decimal before dividing by 100. All worksheets include an answer key!

Beginner Worksheet #1

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Beginner Worksheet #2

Beginner Worksheet #3

Moderate Worksheet #1

Moderate Worksheet #2

Moderate Worksheet #3

Convert Decimals to Percent (Printable PDFs)

In these worksheets, students will rewrite each decimal in its percentage form. Just multiply the decimal by 100 (or move the decimal two places to the right), and add the percent symbol. All worksheets include an answer key!

Beginner Worksheet #1

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Beginner Worksheet #2

Beginner Worksheet #3

Moderate Worksheet #1

Moderate Worksheet #2

Moderate Worksheet #3

Convert Percent and Decimals (Printable PDFs)

In these worksheets, students will practice converting decimals into percents AND percents into decimals. Divide each percent by 100 to turn it into a decimal. Multiply each decimal by 100 to turn it into a percent. Don’t forget to add the percent sign when necessary! All worksheets include an answer key!