Area and Perimeter with Square Units
Area and Perimeter with Square Units

Free and premium, printable “Area and Perimeter with Square Units Worksheets!”
Square units make calculating area simple! Just count the total number of squares. However, square units can make calculating perimeter a bit confusing.
When calculating perimeter with square units, students may be tempted to count each corner square once and move on. But remember, Perimeter = “the Path around.” If you start at a corner and follow the path around you’ll notice that each corner should be counted twice – Once for the distance across the top and once for the distance along the side.
All of our Worksheets include answer keys. Didn’t find what you were looking for? Check out our other Geometry worksheets!
Area in Square Units (Printable PDFs)
In our area in square units worksheets, students will practice understanding & calculating the area of various shapes using unit squares. All they’ll need to do is count the squares, but make sure to label each measurement with “square inches.” All worksheets include answer keys.
Worksheet #1
Get instant access to download and print Area and Perimeter Worksheets, plus all K12 Math Worksheets!
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Worksheet #3
Worksheet #1
Worksheet #2
Worksheet #3
Worksheet #1
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Worksheet #3
Worksheet #1
Worksheet #2
Worksheet #3
Perimeter in Square Units (Printable PDFs)
In our perimeter in square units worksheets, students will practice calculating the perimeter of various shapes using unit squares. Start at a corner and count how many unit jumps are needed to make it around the shape & back to where you started. Label each measurement with “inches.” All worksheets include answer keys.
Worksheet #1
Get instant access to download and print Area and Perimeter Worksheets, plus all K12 Math Worksheets!
Worksheet #2
Worksheet #3
Worksheet #1
Worksheet #2
Worksheet #3
Worksheet #1
Worksheet #2
Worksheet #3
Worksheet #1
Worksheet #2
Worksheet #3
Area and Perimeter in Square Units (Printable PDFs)
In our area and perimeter worksheets, students will practice calculating the perimeter and area of various shapes using unit squares. Label each perimeter with “units” and each area with “square units.” Perimeter is “the path around” and area is “the space inside.” All worksheets include answer keys.
Worksheet #1
Get instant access to download and print Area and Perimeter Worksheets, plus all K12 Math Worksheets!
Worksheet #2
Worksheet #3
Worksheet #1
Worksheet #2
Worksheet #3
Worksheet #1
Worksheet #2
Worksheet #3