Area and Perimeter of Rectangles and Squares

Area and Perimeter of Rectangles and Squares

Below you’ll find a variety of printable “Area and Perimeter of Rectangles and Squares Worksheets!”

When students first learn about area and perimeter it’s with shapes like rectangles and squares. That’s because the formulas and calculations are quite easy.

For perimeter, just add up the distance of all four sides.
For area, find the length and width of the shape, and multiply those numbers together.

If you can’t remember which is which, here’s a tip:
Perimeter is “the Path around.”

All of our Worksheets include answer keys. Didn’t find what you were looking for? Check out our other Geometry worksheets!

Area of Rectangles and Squares (Printable PDFs)

In our free area of rectangles and squares worksheets, students will practice calculating the area of simple shapes. Just multiply the length and width of each shape and label your answer in square units: square yards, square inches, square feet, etc. All worksheets include answer keys.

Perimeter of Rectangles and Squares (Printable PDFs)

In our perimeter of rectangles and squares worksheets, students will practice calculating the perimeter of simple shapes. Just add up the lengths of all four sides and label your answer in units: yards, inches, feet, etc. All worksheets include answer keys.

Area and Perimeter or Rectangles and Squares (Printable PDFs)

In our area & perimeter of squares & rectangles worksheets, students will practice calculating the area & perimeter of simple shapes. Remember: area = length times width & perimeter = two times the length + two times the width. Don’t forget to label each answer with the correct units. All worksheets include answer keys.