2nd Grade Measurement Worksheets

2nd Grade Measurement Worksheets

Welcome to our Second Grade Measurement Worksheets!

Being able to estimate and take accurate measurements are important life skills. These skills allow students to make sense of the world around them and prepare them for use in their every day life now and as they get older.

In these 2nd grade measurement worksheets, we introduce estimating measurements and measuring with a ruler using inches and centimeters. They’ll also practice the concepts of more v. less, tall v. short, and long v. short.

If you need access to a ruler, try out our printable rulers to complete these worksheets!

Measure Lengths with a Ruler (Printable PDFs)

Here we provide a few different worksheets for your student to learn and practice measuring objects with a ruler. They will measure tools, summer theme objects, dogs, lines, and flowers! Some worksheets will require your student to measure in only inches and some will require them to measure in centimeters and inches.

Inches Measurement Worksheet #1

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Inches Measurement Worksheet #2

Inches Measurement Worksheet #3

Inches and Centimeters Worksheet #1

Inches and Centimeters Worksheet #2

Inches and Centimeters Worksheet #3

Estimate and Measure (Printable PDFs)

In our ‘Estimate and Measure’ section, our worksheets are designed to help young learners develop their estimation skills. Your student will begin by estimating the length, height, or width of various objects or animals, then utilize a ruler for precise measurements. This section offers three types of estimation worksheets: two variations of ‘Estimate and Measure’ with 2 or 4 objects, and ‘Estimating Lengths’ worksheets prompting learners to circle the most suitable estimates.

Compare Measurements (Printable PDFs)

In this section, you’ll practice comparing objects. Students will circle the object with more or less, that is taller or shorter, and that is longer or shorter. They’ll also compare lengths. Rulers are not needed because the objects used to measure are built right into the worksheets. All worksheets include an answer key!

Longer or Shorter Measurement Worksheet

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Taller or Shorter Measurement Worksheet

More or Less Measurement Worksheet #1

More or Less Measurement Worksheet #2