2nd Grade Geometry Worksheets

2nd Grade Geometry Worksheets

Printable shapes worksheets for 2nd Grade Geometry!

Our second-grade geometry worksheets will help your students understand 2D shapes, 3D shapes, and how to partition shapes! With over 60 worksheets to choose from, you’ll find enough practice to master all of the following:

  • Identifying different quadrilaterals, different triangles, and various polygons.
  • Identifying different 3D shapes like cones, cylinders, prisms, and pyramids.
  • Dividing shapes into equal parts

Be sure to check out our other 2nd Grade Math Worksheets!

Note: All worksheets include an answer key!

2D Shapes (Printable PDFs)

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Quadrilateral Worksheet #4

Quadrilateral Worksheet #5

Quadrilateral Worksheet #6

Identify and Count the Number of Vertices Worksheet #1

Identify and Count the Number of Vertices Worksheet #2

Identify and Count the Number of Vertices Worksheet #3

3D Shapes (Printable PDFs)