2nd Grade Comparing and Ordering Numbers

2nd Grade Comparing and Ordering Numbers

Our 2nd grade comparing numbers worksheets include practice in both comparing numbers and ordering numbers.

The first section below includes six worksheets where students place three numbers in order. We’ve included practice ordering numbers from least to greatest AND from greatest to least.

The second group asks students to put four numbers in order, and the last section asks students to compare two numbers by writing a greater than (>), less than (<), or equal to sign (=). For all of the worksheets on this page your student(s) will be working with numbers between 100 and 1,000.

Are these 2nd grade comparing numbers worksheets too advanced? Check out our 1st Grade Worksheets.

Ordering Three Numbers from 100 to 1,000 (Printable PDFs)

In these free ordering numbers worksheets, students will practice ordering three numbers ranging from 100-1000. Each worksheet focuses on one of the following: They’ll either order the numbers from least to greatest or from greatest to least. All worksheets include answer keys.

Ordering Four Numbers from 100 to 1,000 (Printable PDFs)

In these ordering numbers worksheets, students will practice ordering four numbers ranging from 100-1000. Each worksheet focuses on one of the following: They’ll either order the numbers from least to greatest or from greatest to least. All worksheets include answer keys.

Compare Numbers and Write <, >, or = (printable PDF)

In these comparing numbers worksheets, students will practice comparing numbers from 100-1000. Students will look at two different numbers, decide which one is bigger, and indicate their answer using the correct symbol (>,<, or =). All worksheets include answer keys.