1st Grade Math Mystery Worksheets

1st Grade Math Mystery Worksheets

Welcome to our 1st Grade Math Mysteries!

First graders focus on solving problems with missing numbers in a sequence, recognizing even and odd numbers, and understanding basic addition and subtraction. These math mystery activities challenge students to identify missing numbers, distinguish between even and odd, and strengthen their fact fluency. By integrating math puzzles with fun themes, students remain engaged while developing critical thinking and math skills.

Common Core Standard: 1.OA.A.6 (Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10).

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Math Mysteries by Month and Week (Printable PDFs)

In this section you will find all of our math mysteries organized by the month and week. Each PDF contains multiple pages of case files, math activities to solve clues, and answer keys.

October Week 1 - The Case of the Vanishing Vampire Bats

October Week 2 - The Mystery of the Witch's Cauldron

October Week 3 - The Mystery of the Haunted Pumpkin Patch

October Week 4 - The Case of the Missing Halloween Candy